Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bolling family history

3. Thomas Rolfe inherited Varina, the plantation in Virginia where he was born. After returning to Virginia, Thomas married Jane Poythress, and they lived at the plantation. Their daughter, Jane, was born there the 10th of October, 1650.

Jane later married Colonel Robert Bolling, who was born in London, England in 1646. They had one child, John, who became Colonel John Bolling. He was born Charles City Virginia in 1675. Jane died a year after his birth, probably from complications from childbirth.

Robert Bolling later married Ann Stith and they had many children together. Descendants of Ann Stith are called the “White Bollings” and descendants of Jane Rolfe Bolling are called the “Red Bollings”. Robert died in Virginia in 1709. You are direct descendants of Pocahontas and, therefore, are “Red Bollings”.

The Bolling family has a long history in the Bradford area of Yorkshire England. Bolling Hall is a museum that can be visited online today. Take a peek. There is also an American Bolling Family association that can be accessed on line. The Bollings are just one of the interesting families in your history. Bye for now. Aunt Linda

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thomas Rolfe - son of Pocahontas

2. Greetings! Ready for the next installment?


John Rolfe and Pocahontas – given the Christian name Rebecca – and baby, Thomas, enjoyed peaceful times in the colony. Colony leaders wanted to build a school. English and Powhaten children would be taught religion there. The English King James was not interested in funding a school. Colony leaders suggested that Pocahontas take her family to England to awaken interest in the colony.

The family received a royal welcome in London. Pocahontas met the King at Whitehall palace. In March 1617 they left London aboard ship to return to the colony. They only reached Gravesend on the River Thames when Pocahontas took ill and died. Her dying wish; “That her son be raised with a good education in the ways of God.” John Rolfe continued to Jamestown. Thomas was raised in England by his Rolfe grandparents at the Rolfe home – Heacham Hall, Heacham, Norfolk.

Thomas had opportunity to study at Cambridge and excelled in canoeing and wrestling. As a youth he was invited to the court of King James: “I decided it would be pleasing to see the son of Pocahontas. Now I want to present you with the Bible requested by your Mother. Perhaps you will take this Bible to your Mother’s people.” (Find more details about your great-great…grandfather by read Two Mighty rivers – Son of Pocahontas by Mari Hanes)

Thomas returned to Chesapeake Bay and the Jamestown colony in 1629.Two cultures met and melded in this young man – Thomas Pepsicanough Rolfe – Two Mighty Rivers. He lived 87 years.

Friday, May 21, 2010

We can't know who we are if we don't know our family stories.

May 21, 2010
Greetings to all my family,
This blog will be my venue for sharing our common family stories; all the stories of all the characters that make us who we are. They will be presented from my studies and memories
and perspective. It is my hope that they will provoke in you the desire to know these stories for yourself and, thus, find your place in the grand scheme of life on this earth.

Did you know you were a descendant of Pocahontas? She was born about 1595, probably in the Powhaten village of Werowocomoco in the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia. She was the daughter of the Algonquin Chief, Powhaten. As an Indian child she was educated early by a free and active life, with virgin forest for a playground. As a daughter of the Chief she was trained in the social graces of her people; among them good posture, good listening skills, thoughtful speech and good manners.

In 1614, Pocahontas converted to Christianity and married an immigrant to Jamestown, Virginia, John Rolfe. In 1615 she gave birth to their son, Thomas Pepsicanough Rolfe. I (and Merle, Elaine and Sandra) am 10th great - granddaughter to Pocahontas. Figure out your connection to this great legend.

For now,
Always learning,
Aunt Linda